The Action Call

Dear Society,

It is our daily ritual to consume the news on baited breath, and gauge the state of society. We celebrate your evolution, and envision how much further you must go. It is daunting to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. It is even more frightening to simultaneously fight to preserve the path that our ancestors paved, and to protect the future for generations to come. Our collective responsibility does not guarantee harmony, and we must also battle the perpetual struggle against good and bad.

When all is said and done, remember how the story will be told. Although inequities threaten to drown us, history will keep no record of our fear. History will celebrate our brava, our audacity- the unabashed courage it took to challenge the status quo. History will applaud the ones who stood tall- even when there were no hands to offer them praise. The forces of no good who once demanded our fear and silence to thrive, will have no choice but to shrivel in the light that will prevail. 

It is the essence of jazz that describes the hope we embody for humanity. To organically prosper in a space intended to diminish us. To serve as proof that there is light in this world you cannot destroy, no matter how heavy the overcast. To demonstrate our ability to intentionally design and transform, to allow creativity and beauty to flow through us, and still hold enough grace to emote that energy unto the world. 

And that is our pledge and our promise.

Compiled by Ms.Julia Osagie